Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pages from the Past

Meet my first horse.  
This is Chipper. 

He was given to me as a three year old for my thirteenth birthday.  We spent 18 years growing up together.  What kid could ask for more.  He was a Welsh/Quarterhorse and stood about 13 1/2 hands.  Never underestimate size. He could out walk and out maneuver most bigger horses.  He was quick in mind and quicker on his feet. On the trail, he would go anywhere.  I will never forget what I learned and shared with him.  There's nothing like memories of your first horse.

These photos are almost as as old as me, and fading with age, but you can recognize that we were a team.  I could not imagine growing up any other way.  I was a very lucky kid.

Gymkhana and drill team photos of yore ....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snowy Day Cabin Fever

Original - Barn in the snow

Something to do on a snowy day.....

Photoshop - Version 1

Photoshop - Version 2

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Five Weeks Later

Valley fog resting at the base of Mesa Verde this morning.

After the last five weeks of grumbling about my ribs and the pain, I finally went back to see my doctor.  This time, to be cautious, she sent me for x-rays.  Seems that I did have 2 fractured ribs.  Good news is that they are healing.  The bad news is that they just aren't healing fast enough for me!  I know any of you out there who have daily barn chores, with animals to care for,  know that it's not very easy to rest your back and abdominal area.  Oh well, so much for excuses.  The worst of it is over now.  I just need to learn to be more patient with taking things a little slower, and with a little more time, all will be well ....  AND I will be a happier horse/mule keeper!!

Countdown .... Spring Equin ox .... 33 days

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day Post


From MJ and Maggie May

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The word for Wednesday ... SUNSHINE

Homestead in the SUNSHINE

The Horses taking in the SUNSHINE
All undressed, but no place to go!

And last, But not least ...
My SUNSHINE ....  Maggie!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Have Shovel, Will Travel

It seems that the only thing that I have to talk about is SNOW.  But then we have lots of SNOW to talk about.  Anybody need some? I will have to say that I am a bit sick of  all this shoveling.  What makes it more troublesome is that my injured ribcage is still not 100%, and because of all this blasted shoveling, it probably won't be 100% any time soon!  Yes, it does sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but yes, I will get over it!!!

Recipe for Sore Ribs
1 Hour of Barn Chores
Add 1 path of shoveled snow
(to get to the barn)
Add 1 path of shoveled snow 
(to get to the manure pile)
Add 2 shoveled areas for horses to stand
Stir, boil, and then simmer until Very Tired!

If only I could teach just one of these guys to shovel SNOW!
But as you can see 
they would rather eat and rest 
while I do the work.
Now I ask myself,
"Who is the Beast of Burden"?