Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mancos Balloon Festival


Put on your party hats and perk up your ears, 
this weekend is the MANCOS BALLOON FESTIVAL!!!!  

It doesn't matter how calm your mule/horse is
these fire-breathing orbs just aren't natural.  
The whole neighborhood herd gathered this morning 
as the first of many hot air balloons 
did practice landings in the neighboring cow pasture.

   This will be a very exciting weekend
you just never know what will be dropping in! 


  1. Yes! Look at the attention Polly is giving that balloon.
    How colorful they are.

    We've never had a fire breathing orb come over us, but occasionally have C-130 military aircraft skim the trees...!

  2. Wow those are great shots. I am not good with a camera. I just point and click - isn't that what Kodak says? We don't have fire breathing orbs at our house either but i had a crane fly over Angel and I our second ride out and I could have touched the crane. Didn't scare her at all but it sure did me!!

  3. Animals are just curious like people. I love the way they are looking at the balloon.

  4. How beautiful and what a treat to see. Great pictures!

  5. I love hot air balloons, especially if they are very colorful.
    I would also love to "fly" with one of them some day...

    You mad some fantastic pictures there, Polly and Rhett seem to have a good time and enjoying the "change in scenery".


  6. The horses are looking like "What the heck are those?"

    Nice shots of the horses with the balloons.
