Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colorado Sunrise

As we were getting ready for our day I noticed the beautiful sunrise.
By the time I grabbed the camera and got back outside it was gone.

I snapped this photo of the clothesline.
Notice the red, cloudy sky.
Even though we are several hundred miles away,
this is actually smoke from the Southern California wildfires.
We need rain, they need it even more than we do.

Welcome to September everyone!


  1. Wow, that is beautiful. How is Polly doing?

    We are having our first week without rain in ages and we are so happy to not be in mud!

  2. The weather is crazy. We would gladly trade a little of your moisture for some of our sunshine.
    If I didn't know Polly so well, I wouldn't know that anything was wrong with her, and she's getting pretty good at drinking her antibiotics/apple sauce through a syringe. I think that most of what I had been attributing to age may have been some discomfort due to these bladder stones. Tomorrow the veterinarians will try to remove them again. I am trying to take all of this just one day at a time. Beyond that, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Like I said before, she's a fighter...one tough cookie. Thanks so much for asking.
